East African Asians, the Wahindi

Saturday, October 21, 2006

There is some truth in this...

The Sikh Temple in Kampala

The next day, Amin decided that he had to go the Sikh temple in Kampala to find Mr Singh. He arrived at the temple with a peaceful demeanour. “I am looking for Mr Singh” he announced with a pleasant smile, turning his head a little at the caretaker, just as he started to climb the stairs leading to the first level.

“You are looking for Mr Singh? Which Mr Singh, Mr President, because that is the name for all of us!” suggested the new acting third vice-president of the Sikh temple, who had joined the scene. “I am looking for Mr Singh” Amin retorted. “ I am looking for Mr Singh- elektirician”. It was no use, the Sikh leader decided. A way had to be found to deal with Idi Amin. “I am looking for Mr Singh who fixed the lights in my bathroom. I did not axepeyll him, you know?”.

The people of Uganda bore the brunt of Idi’s stupidity. Or so the Asians think to this day. However, was this a case of self-imposed self-importance? Very little has been written about the exact reaction of the Ugandans after the Asians left. Did they celebrate as they had walked into Asian homes? Did they have any concern when they helped themselves to Asian shops? Was there a civil administration which took charge and distributed the loot? We will never know.

By the way, why did I refer to the 'third vice president' of the Sikh temple in Amin's flashback? Well, the majority of the Sikhs had left the country and there were just about enough men left behind to fill the key posts.


  • no comments, yaar.

    this brought back very painful memories. I wonder, how an idiot like Idi could impact on the lives of so many!!!!!, and how he GOT AWAY with it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:05 pm  

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